June, July & August, 2020: Cleaned up City of Nome Addresses and Streets.
Combined address data sources to create more complete, up to date Address Point layer for the City of Nome;
edited street lines and street labels to correspond with addresses.
May & June, 2020: Configured City of Fairbanks Stormwater Map and Collector App.
Configured City of Fairbanks Stormwater Map on Collector App on ArcGIS Online, worked with City staff to input data.
May, 2020: Constructed City of Nome GeoHUB.
Created central location on ArcGIS Online to access City of Nome web map application, and preview and download data.
April & May, 2020: Setup City of Fairbanks Street Sign Collector App and Viewer.
Imported Excel data to ArcGIS Online, created Street Sign Collector App with sign table related to sign posts. Configured Street Sign Viewer with multiple, easy to use filters.
March & April, 2020: Constructed and released public COVID-19 Hub site for Interior Alaska.
Used template released by Esri to construct COVID-19 HUB for Interior Alaska as a public service.
March & April, 2020: Configured City of Fairbanks Fleet Manager GPS Trackit Site and Esri Vehicle Tracking Dashboard Site.
Configured City’s GPS Trackit Fleet Manager site for tracking City maintenance vehicles. Developed workflow for exporting GPS Tracking data to be viewed and analyzed in Esri Dashboard on ArcGIS Online or GeoHUB.
March, 2020: Built City of Nome Water and Sewer GIS.
Worked with Nome Utilities staff, imported data into ArcGIS Online, configured Nome Water and Sewer GIS on ArcGIS Online.
November & December, 2019: Built City of Delta Junction Addressing GIS.
Constructed City Addressing GIS on ArcGIS Online.
Fall, 2019: Completed cleaning up City of Delta Junction Addresses and Roads.
Completed standardizing address and road data for City of Delta Junction Addressing Geodatabase.
May, 2019: Unveiled City of Fairbanks GeoHUB.
Completed City of Fairbanks internal GeoHUB site using Esri Sites, trained City Staff. Includes access to multiple applications, preview of data.